Being registered as an independent candidate for President since May 4th, 2023 without any recognition from the Fourth Estate (Media/journalism), I have decided to withdraw my bid for President (September 1st, 2024) and run for the Federal Senate Seat of Wisconsin, as an independent write-in candidate.
It is appalling that there were/are 130 candidates for president, 19 Democrat, 47 Republican, 28 Independent, 4 green party – Yet we heard almost nothing about these candidates and their ideas to help our Nation from the Main Stream Media – That's PATHETIC!!!
I'm running as a Candidate who will, when given the opportunity, chastise Congress for their arrogance for the last 79 years.
Each party – Donkey & Elephant – want to point their hoofs at one another for our country's continued neglect for fiscal and overall financial responsibility. It always seems that it was the prior administrations 'fault' for our ludicrous $34 trillion debt and the inflation of the respective times. When, in fact, congress is a joint legislative body that has continuously neglected to financially govern properly. Even when there were and are plenty of resources to pay the bills.
I ought to sue the Democrat and Republican Parties for undue duress.